The Forgotten Hormone Vitamin D regulates the function of various tissues, and some have specific receptors for vitamin D in almost all body tissues. Reduce the prevention of certain cancers of the blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, vitamin D in maintaining optimal health is essential, and / or treatment of certain diseases. Very few foods contain large amounts of natural vitamin D, and so many people are not getting enough vitamin D from food. It is therefore important to check the level of vitamin D
Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include dark skin - produce less vitamin D-skin. Aging - less vitamin D conversion with age. The inflammatory bowel disease - reduce the absorption of vitamin D. Obesity - Vitamin D is easily stored in the body is absorbed directly into the fat cells of the intestine and low levels of estrogen.
The Forgotten Hormone Benefits of vitamin D can be obtained by increasing exposure to sunlight and contain vitamin D-rich foods in your diet such as fish oil, cod liver oil, milk and eggs. Fruits and vegetables are also sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D fortified milk and fortified foods are important nutrients for our body.
The Forgotten Hormone In nutrient-rich foods that contain the most intact not only vitamins and minerals in food supplements but also of natural fiber materials and can have positive effects on health can food supplements can be useful in certain situations, to increase the absorption of certain vitamins or minerals.
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